The KPC Sprint Triathlon for NIE Race Chair Committee
The KPC Sprint Triathlon for NIE Race Chair Committee includes representatives from the City of Kendallville, Kendallville Police Department, the Kendallville Fire Department, Kendallville Park Department, Cole Family YMCA, KPC Media Group, Indiana State Police, Parkview Noble EMS and medical personnel, Kendallville Rotary Club and Bike Race Chair Jeff Killian.
They are dedicated to a safe, high-quality event and welcome your comments and suggestions.

Kendallville Rotary Club Meetings- Tuesdays, – 6:15 PM at the Impact Institute, Fairview Shopping Plaza
Kendallville Contact- Jerry Davis 260-347-0121
Bixler Lake Park

In 2014 KPC distributed over 50,000 newspapers to schools in the four-county area, all at teacher request.What: Newspapers in Education – NIE – is an industry-wide program developed to put newspapers in the hands of students and to aid the education process by providing newspapers as a real-world learning tool in the classroom.
Why: According to research conducted by the Newspaper Association of American Foundation, students in schools with NIE programs averaged 10% better on standardized tests than schools of equivalent demographics without NIE programs. Significantly, NIE programs are also associated with greater interest by young adults in news and politics.
Using newspapers in the classroom • Informs students about current events and local news • Promotes reading and improves reading comprehension • Provides an additional resource outside the textbook material • Helps teach about real life • Teaches students about financial world and business • Helps with critical thinking skills
How: The KPC NIE program is supported by KPC fundraisers, foundation support, subscriber contributions and donations from people like you. Here is how it works: Each school year, the KPC NIE program places newspapers in local classrooms, per request of teachers. Teachers use the newspapers as a classroom resource to teach reading, math, science, writing and many other subjects. They may have newspapers for each student delivered once per week or each day depending on the schedule of the particular teacher. In addition, NIE provides curriculum guides, classroom visits and tours of the KPC building. YOU: For more information or to become a sponsor, please contact Melissa Boggs at, 1-800-717-4679 ext. 1109, or mail KPC NIE Coordinator, PO Box 39, Kendallville, IN 46755.